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Reformation Lecture by Prof. C. Griess This Thursday, Oct.27, 2022


Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Special Reformation Lecture:

Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us “there is no new thing under the sun.” Is that true with respect to sexual abuse? Did this horrific sin manifest itself in the life of the Reformation churches? If so, is there anything we can learn from the Reformers and the consistories about how to handle this travesty found in the church yet today?

Plan to attend a timely lecture by Prof. Cory Griess on the topic of "Sexual Abuse in Calvin’s Geneva" at Southwest Protestant Reformed Church, THIS WEEK Thursday, October 27, at 7:30 pm.

All in the West Michigan area are welcome and encouraged to attend this timely and important lecture. For those who cannot be there in person, a live-stream will also be available at

Update: If you would like to listen to Prof. Griess' lecture, visit this page.




The Protestant Reformed Churches have from the very beginning recognized the need for a theological school in which men could be prepared for the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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Wyoming, MI 49418

Phone: 616-531-1490

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