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Should Protestants Still Protest? Review of D.G. Hart's New Book on the Reformation


The PRT Journal always includes a variety of profitable book reviews. The Fall 2018 issue is no exception.

One of the reviews is Prof. D. J. Engelsma's on the new book by D. G. Hart, Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Matters (Reformation Heritage Books, 2018). Engelsma has high praise for Hart's evaluation of why true Protestants in the 21st century must still protest against Rome's doctrines and practices.

At the beginning of his review Engelsma explains:

Advocates of Protestant return to Rome argue that whatever controversy Protestants may have had with Rome in the past is unfounded and unnecessary today. They sing the siren song, “Come back to mother Rome, the unified church descending in unbroken succession down the ages from the apostles themselves.” It is a danger that Protestants, especially young Protestants, heed the song of the sirens and come to spiritual ruin.
All of this falsehood, D. G. Hart exposes and explodes in Still Protesting. “The Reformation is not over” (11).

He then goes into the "fundamental issue" - justification by faith alone:

The fundamental issue of the Reformation was justification by faith alone, which truth is fundamental for every human: “The Reformers addressed the most basic question that confronts all human beings: How can a sinner be right with and worship in good conscience a righteous God who demands sinless perfection?” (14) Presbyterians who fall away to Rome and evangelical churches in ecumenical relationship with the RCC deny that justification by faith alone has this importance in the Bible, in the experience of sinners, or in the theology of a church. They rather emphasize the unity of the church.

To read the rest of the review, visit this link to the digital editions. You will find the review on pages 131-34.




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